Nature Will Take Over

Soon nature will take over the greyed mindset.

Grey, is not just a color. There are times when it becomes a feeling. Seeps into your skin and turns your blood grey.

Grey is the feeling when you hit the snooze button for the nth time to avoid waking up in the morning to go to office.

Grey is the feeling when you step out into a concrete jungle that stares back at you with all it's lifelessness.

Grey is the feeling when you are surrounded by self centered people who pull you down.

Grey is the feeling when you are stuck in traffic when you could've been home long time back to your family and friends.

When we side step nature and live under the impression that excessive money, skyrise buildings, selfish motives and hi tech cars can add colors to our life, what we're actually doing is turning it grey!

But nature has means to recover. If we step aside ourselves and let it take its course, it'll do it gradually and gently. But if we don't, it finds means to wreak havoc, forces us to not cut it's path and then gradually returns to all its glory.

So step back and trust nature to fill in the colors in your life!


- Vidushi Dobhal

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