
Credit: @Ghughuti 🕊️

As the world locks itself up at home to fight an unknown enemy, the nature has broken free to heal and repair itself. It finally found the privilege to be away from the hustle bustle of the busy man. It can finally stand tall and not bend to our expectations; to be beautiful, to provide for us, to look good in our holiday pictures and what not. It can finally just BE!

But guess what.. as you sit in the comfort of your home in your pajamas and read this, the television in the background still feeding you the statistics for the day, you enjoy the same privilege as nature does!
You are finally FINALLY away from those toxic people in your life, you can avoid the expectations of others to reach you and affect you. You can finally sit back and repair yourself, mentally and emotionally!

All we can do is to request you to not give in those numbers on the daily news, not give in to the distorted work hours and sleep patterns, don't give in to the pressure of posting 'at home' stories on social media. Take the course which nature has taken! You are FINALLY free. You FINALLY have the time. You FINALLY have your loved ones around you. You DO NOT have an option but to look inside yourself and come out a better you. Because if not this, then WHAT?
You have the privilege of being served by the essential services workers who sadly do not have the above mentioned privilege. Once all this ends, they and we all deserve to get back to a better world with better people! And that needs to start TODAY. With each one of us working on ourselves while we have the time.
We ALL deserve this. Please.

- Vidushi Dobhal


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